Thursday, September 30, 2010

F.C.C. Opens Unused Airwaves to... Broadband Internet!

So you may remember receiving a "goofy" coupon in the mail from who other than... the U.S. Government. Why was the government giving out coupons you might ask? So you could go buy a digital receiver for your television. Those digital receivers have since replaced the clunky and ridicoulsly unattractive rooftop antennas that scattered rooftops all across the United States. But, why did we all convert to digital television. Our answer has finally arrived! The F.C.C. (the government body that regulates all forms of communication in the United States) has recently opened up those airwaves (the ones that used to be cluttered with television programs) for Broadband use. This means that providers may now use "super wifi" signals to beam broadband across open areas to homes all across America. The system is much like that of the satellite dish, except the transmitters are here on earth. Here's what Chrysalis had to say:

"This really helps people to have something they never had before and lets the people who could never have experience the internet, experience it!" - A.G.

"This rids the air of a lot of airwaves that block or restrict wireless internet. Now that the air is free you can get internet pretty much anywhere... It almost guarantees internet to people." - J.E.

Progressive Thinking,

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