Friday, September 24, 2010

Why Students Need to be Digitally Literate: A Media Squad Exclusive

The students of Project Chrysalis recently investigated an article that discussed getting faster broadband internet speeds into rural and poor communities (Read the entire New York Times article by clicking here). Media Squad (Project Chrysalis' premiere Media Team) would like to share their informed thoughts and opinions on the importance of being technologically literate. We have chosen four teammates to spread their infinite wisdom:

"To be digitally literate is important because technology is a part of everything. It's part of school, work, and everyday life. Not being digitally literate can make you useless in the modern world. Technology will always be a part of society, so you might as well learn to use it." - P.F.

"[Y]ou need to know how to use technology! For example, what if a student did not understand the class lecture? The could could always use the "internet" to see what they did not understand. The other option is to do nothing and flunk that homework assignment, get a "C" in the class, and not make it into college..." - F.A.

"We need kids (wait, I'm a teenager) to get their education and get it the right way. For example, for Math I can be "stuck" on a problem, and simpley take out a calculator or go to a website where it will show me how to solve it." - E.R.

Progressive Thinking,

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