Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sssso Looking Forward to NYC!

What's better than spending a week in New York City?  There are literrally thousands of things to see: The Statue of Liberty, The Guggenheim, 5th Avenue, The Empire State Building, The Bronx Zoo, Escaped Cobra Snakes, Broadway... wait, what?  Did you just say "escaped snake?"  Yes indeed!  As reported by The New York Times, an Egyptian Cobra Snake escaped from The Bronx Zoo last Friday (see full article here).  While the zoo has been unable to find the "escaped" reptile, there is likely no need to worry since the cold weather mixed with the unpredictabilities of the city are likely to prove "deadly" for the poor reptile.  But hey, you never know... While in NYC be sure to keep a sharp eye, you might dissssscover sssssomething extraordinary! 

Progressive Thinking,

Mr. Stocker

P.S. You can follow the commentary on the escaped Cobra on Twitter by following @BronxZoosCobra

1 comment:

  1. That snake is so clever. She's like the Jonathan Swift of reptiles.
