Monday, August 22, 2011

Welcome Back PCMS 2011-2012

Hello PCMS'ers,

It is so great to be back in action at Project Chrysalis Middle School.  The faculty has an incredibly exciting year planned for you and we hope that you are as equally excited about all of the great opportunities you will have to grow and learn throughout this year!  

As part of the course requirement and homework for your Social Studies class, you are to visit this website and leave a comment below on the following Youtube video (you must sign-in with a valid Google account that has your name or some portion of your name in it).

Your comment should discuss: 1) a detail(s) from the video that you found to be interesting.  2) A logical and well-stated opinion.  3) Additional information about the particular point you found to be interesting.  Overall, your comment/response does not need to be more than a paragraph (3-5 sentences).  Feel free to include links to other resources and websites that you find to be related or of interest.

Good luck and progressive thinking,

Mr. Stocker   


  1. This Definitively Blows My mind!
    Its amazing How Everyday Text massages Sent and received Exceed The total population Of the planet. Its also incredible that later On Computers will be built to exceed the capabilities of a human and its entire species. Technology is taking over the world, and its the new form of communication. I wouldnt be surprised if My next best friend was a robot or a talking car!

  2. 1) One of the detail from this video that I found interesting is that the teachers are preparing us as students for jobs that don't even exist yet. It is incredible how teachers teach us things from the future. As well as using technology that doesn't even exist yet. It is so incredible how now we use a lot more technology that has not even come out yet in stores. It is unbelievable, at the same time very interesting!

    2)I thought that this video was really really good.! I thought it was a really good video because it is telling us stuff that we didn't even know.(I personally did not know most of this). I learned from this because I honestly didn't know that a lot of people getting married now and days met online. Like Diana said It Blows My Mind. I personally recommend this video to other people!

    3)WOW! It is crazy to see that 1 of 8 people who get married met online! I cannot believe that. Chatting online to meet other people is pretty dangerous. Unbelievable is all i can say!

    -Melissa Mendoza

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This video contained lots of information about technology and how the world is changing and how it is evolving into what we are and will invision it to be. I now know that I will have to compete to make it in life and make my voice heard.

  5. Can I jusr say every single detail seems interesting ?
    It's crazy how technology is overpowering our lives and it is taking over almost the whole world as times goes by. Also ,English is such a powerful language , China is the number one english speaking country , even though that isn't their first language. I believe that life-as-we-know-it will soon change. Things are going to be much more simple later on in the years because of technology. Today a car , tomorrow an airplane that travels at 200,000 miles per hour. We Shoul ALL expect the unexpected

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hey PCMS Crew,

    It's great to see that everyone is 'rocking' this thing out! Navidh, it looks like you figured it out :) If you know a classmate that is having trouble, please reach out to them so they can contribute (remember, this is due by Friday). One last thing... Be sure to post all three components of the prompt in your comment.

  8. Oh yeah, be sure to put your first name and last name initial in the post. For example: Calvin S.

  9. One detail that I found very intresting was the fact that as you are doing something such as right now, is that there is many other things going on in the world, like 274 babies being born in China. This just comes to show that the world is using to much technology and is becoming too advanced. My point practically is that it is just amazing how all of these things are happening around you, you don't even know are happening is simply amazing !!

    -Mirna ramirez 7-3

  10. This is a lot its amazing how we have used the technology how we use the computer, iPod, how we have text like a lot of times and don't realize it and instead of playing outside like for hours we use the computer like everyday. We are using chat and not being active and its incredible how instead of being with your family you are using technology.It is also amazing how many babies were born during only 4:56 minutes. The most babies were from India 395 babies wow! There were a lot of songs downloaded and they were downloaded illegally.

  11. This video is so amazing, one of the details I found to be very amazing was that by just watching this video 67 babies were born in the U.S,274 babies were born in China,and that 395 babies were brn in people all over the world are watching this video think of how many babies were born by just watching this video.This video is so amazing and educational at the same time that is why I just love this video.Its is a good video.The reason why i say this video is amazing and educational at the same time is because it accutally is.This video teach me things that I did not even know.Wow new people are coming into this world by just watching thas video that is just speechless.

    By-nayeli salinas 7-3

  12. It seriously blows me away, How the technology has advanced and grown over years. In 1984 there was only 1,000 internet devices and it grew to 1,000,000 by 1994, it then escalated to 1,000,000,000 by 2008! You never actually think of it and get to learn about this, like Google, there is over 30 billion searches every month and myspace has over 200 million registered users. It is true, How did people solve things without internet or google research? It is also astounding of how the number of texts recieved and sent were equal to the population of earth!Technology has grown so much over years, the internet has connected people, by Social Networks,online dating, It helps you with, work,assignments,recipes,shopping, applying for jobs and and alomst anything you can think of. Also Cellphones, they help you connect with friends and family by navigation, calling/speaking,text,Etc*. I imagine how people from 1800's or farther back would react to these things If we could go back in time and show them. Would they be amazed, shocked? Technology is Taking over. By 2013 a supercomputer will be built that exceeds the computational capabilities of the human brain! You never know what to expect from technology! It is startling and simply astonishing- Cynthia

  13. 1) What surprises me the most is that every minute our population is increasing drastically. We are only one individual among many. Humans have created devices that are capable of storing a lot more information than themselves, things that were thought impossible to make, not even half a century ago are being made right now.

    2) Now I know why they encourage us so much to do well in school, they just want us to achieve something in life that will make us recognized among billons of people. we are all capable of achieving something in this life. What we know is only a small portion of what there is to know about anything. We have the ability to impact our world and way of living.

    3) I think all of this is kind of creepy because it shows how our world is shrinking, while our ways of communication are expanding.
    ~ Gabriela Meza

  14. I was astonished when i finished seing this viedo. It showed many things that we take for granted. Things like when people say us kids,teenagers over use our phones a lot, and other things that involve technology. Something that i wasimpresed about this video was the fact that many babies are born in hours,minutes, and seconds all around the world. I mean me as an individual dont think about that, i think about way different stuff than thinken about how many babies were born. Another thing i was amazed by is the fact that teachers, parents,the worl is preparing us for something that hasnt even been invented. In this video it said that the people are "preparing us for jobs that dont even exist yeat, using technoly that hasnt even been invented in order to solve problems we dont even know are problems yet". I mean people are preparing us for the future without even knowing whats going to happened. I also notesed that during this video it showed that as the teachnology progreses then the people will get more interested in it. It took 38 YEARS to reach a market audience,13 years for tv, 4years for computers, 3 years for i pod, and 2 for facebook. By the looks from this data im siriously blown away!
    Angelina A.

  15. This is just amazing, how technology has grown since it was invented! One of the most interesting details that I found about this video was that while watching this video 67 babies were born in U.S, 274 babies born in China, and 395 babies born in India. Another detail that I found interesting was that by the year 2013 a computer is going to be able to exceeds the computational capabilities of the human brain. This video definetely showed me that technology will keep on growing for centuries! It is exciting of whatelse technology can become.
    - Zayda U.

  16. Sergio Pineda from 7-3:
    One of the details that i found interesting is that by 2013, a supercomputer will be built that exceeds the computational capabilities of the human brain.And that predictions are that by the year 2049, a $1000 computer will exceed the computational capabilities of the entire human species.I think this video was great, because it shows how our lifes will be on the future.I can't believe that in the future we're going to have a computer that will exceed the entire human species i never expected technology to be like this on the future.

  17. Wow this was so cool i did not know that so many babies were born that fast and so many text messages were send the songs wow that's a lot and so many Google searches technology keeps and keeps on growing a lot Jesus P.

  18. This video has really surprised me. I can't believe our population is growing enormously by the minute, even by the second. I used to think that USA was the largest and smartest country in the world, after seeing this video, it changed my thoughts and some opinions i used to have. I also usually don't think of how many people are much like me, i usually think of only The Americas being here not the other side of the world, now that i think of it, people CAN be one in a million...or even more than a million. I also can't believe that CHINA has become the number one English speaking country in the WORLD, considering that USA is mostly dominated by English speaking people. I also can't believe that India's highest IQ people are greater than the USA, then again they have a HUGE population. I also can't believe that 1 in 8 couples get married in the U.S. by online. I also can't believe that technology has evolved allot over the years, now i could probably consider as robots taking over the earth one day. I actually COULD believe that the total amount of text messages exceeds the total amount of people in the planet, since everywhere we goo we see people with their phones. Now i truly believe that technology has changed our planet, i wonder what our technology will be like in the future when we already have everything we need...probably even more.
    -Ana R.

  19. I'm amazed i pretty much found everything interesting,I never thought that the first text message was made in 1992.Its amazing How Everyday Text massages Sent and received Exceed The total population Of the planet. Also, the number of internet devices in 1984 was 1,000 which is amazing to me than what it was in 2008 which was 1,000,000,000. I am astonished how technology grew over these years.

    - Kimberly Moreno 7-3

  20. WOW! I'm Seriously shocked right now :O Everything impressed me! I can't believe technology has advanced so much! Not only technology has increased it's components, but also population has, is, and will grow so much! I think That this is not only a very interesting and factual video, but it's also a very useful and reflective source since we may be taking a lot of opportunities for granted! Overall, I simply can't believe that there's going to be more English-Speaker people in China than in the U.S.A! After this video, I don't really know what to expect tomorrow in the streets! Today, has become the Future... -Gisel M.(:

  21. Everything from the video is really interesting, especially how communication has expanded vastly over a short period of time. There are about 7 billion people in this world, which is less than the number of texts sent everyday! Now that is in astronomical terms right there. Technology is advancing too quickly for us too control really. lots of people are being hacked (now);downloading illegaly. Automated robots are being made which can possibly turn back at us. We need to be able to thoroughly comprehend what we have created before we continue on. We can still compliant great thing without rushing - Faustino salazar.

  22. I'm amazed at the fact that China will soon become the #1 English speaking country in the world. I find this interesting yet ironic because because English is not even their native tong. i wouldn't be amazed if china ended up beating the U.S. and it became the #1 superpower in the world. -Jose A.-

  23. WOW... i cant name one thing i wasn't impressed of. i still personally think what impressed me the most was preparing, us students, for job or careers that have not been yet invented... I also was impresed of how much more people use technology each year.(using to much technology can effect us to.) I think this(preparing for job that don't exist)is something that would change the world in both negative and positive way. It's would effect us in a positive way because we will be prepared. This is also going to effect some of us in a negative way.
    If there is people that cant afford college for, good jobs now, more people will not be able to afford a bigger job with more, modern, and advance technology. Life comes with many suprises, like Gisel said, you don't know what you will run into tomorrow.
    - Julissa M.

  24. Michael M.
    some of the details I found to be most interesting in the video were how new technology is being produced just as other things are happening in the world such as as watching this video and over billions of calls are being made. What I also found to be interesting is the fact that some much of this technology is being made at such fast paces it's almost frightening to see what will happen in the future with people.
    I feel that most of this new technology should be slowed down if it's good or not the way things are being made so fast is not a very excellent way to help people live what what they have and learn how to survive. Some of the things in the video like how much stuff is being bought and how many phone calls is really shocking.

  25. Brittany Z.

    This really mezmorized me!

    It's shocking to know that 25% of India's population has a higher IQ than the entire U.S. population. We prepare ourselves and students for jobs that yet don't exist and with technology that hasn't even been invented. Technology is getting stronger than human kind by every minute and even seconds. I mean how crazy is that? Half the information a technology student studies in their 4yr degree is getting outdated by their third year of study. Predictions are that by 2049 a computer will be built that exceeds the entire computational capabilities of the entire human species. It wouldn't surprised me if they start using computers instead of teachers.

    - Brittany Z.

  26. This video is a video that includes alot of VERY interesting facts about our world today, and in our future. I found it mind-boggling that a country(China) that's main language isn't even English, will exceed countries that is main language is english, in terms of speakers. To be honest, I actually thought that this video would be boring. But once I finished the video, I replayed it, and got my mind to absorb those information. I think that what this video is saying is that technology, would both benefit the human race, and also cause it to be torn apart. I actually agree. I mean, today, I see 5 year olds holding, iPhones and iPod touches playing Angry Birds. The technology that the world is discovering are beneficial because we will be able to find cures for diseases such as AIDS, or a cure for cancer, but as well it is going to practically make the world simpler, but at the same time, it is making the world too focused on technology. I'm not saying that a technological world would be bad, but what I'm trying to say is that it will take the life out of people. Imagine a world where everything is just voice activated, touch screen, or computer operated. Maybe that's why it said that it is estimated that at the year 2049, a $1000 computer would exceed the ENTIRE human race's computational capabilities. So basically, life in our world is changing and becoming more advanced than before. Which could be both a good and bad thing. Other than those things, I would like to point out another thing I enjoyed about this video. I found it interesting that 25% of the people in India with the highest IQ's, are greater than the population of the United States. I mean, it would be an entire country filled with over 300 MILLION people with the world's smartest people!

    -Michael Casio (8-2)

  27. Wow! it is so amazing how it has many details and stuff that you did not really know. Also, how people now answer their questions by Google and not by themselves. I think that all this technology thing is going crazy because now days people use technology for almost everything that they do in their life's. Something really interesting is how the point of My Space having to much people involves that it would if it were to be a country, it would be one of the biggest!

    Gabriela O. 7-3

  28. Areli G.
    1.Something that really interested me was that 694,000 songs were downloaded illegally during the presentation of this video.
    2.My opinion is that the video was interesting I also learned a lot of things therefore it is very educational.
    3.Did you know 160,232 songs are downloaded illegally every minute. It is very surprising how easy it is to steal, even if we don` t consider it stealing. Wow, doing the math that`s 1,388,000 songs downloaded in about ten minutes.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Wow! I can't believe the information that the video gave me! Especially the one about the 1 out of 8 married couples meet online. I kept on thinking isn’t that very dangerous? I think this video was very interesting and very informative. In other words I really liked it! The comment that really caught my eye was the one about the married couples that meet online. I bet a lot of people didn't know that. I think that this comment proved my point. Which is that technology is sort of ruining or lives but at the same time making them better. Technology endangers innocent lives helps to get people in trouble and sometimes helps kill people! However it does make our big problems a lot. I do think that people should not take advantage of the internet like that though...

    Melissa ramirez

  31. It is interesting that the number of internet devices in 2008 is 1,000,000,000. In my opinion I think that technology has advanced a lot and nowis something that is very necessary for today's days. As well that technology is something that is very important, helpful, and useful. I just can't imagine how technology is going to be in few years from now I think that technology is going to make like easier and better. -Iris O. 8-2 (:

  32. Hi Mr. Stocker is me Rodrigo Ortiz this video was so amazing. Some of the most China has more honor kids that America kids. Also that 1 out of 8 married couples met online. Something else if MySpace was a country it will be the 5 in the world. Also that during this presentation 67 babies were born in the U.S,274 in China and 395 in India. Something that bothers me is that poor countries who don't have great education end up being so smart and try to be better. Overall i think that U.S should be more smart because of all technology. Also that if you could give this opportunity to Africa the will take abuse of it so they could have a better life. All i am trying to say is that other people wish they could have our what we have.

  33. 1)This video told me alot of things i didn't even know at all such as a week worth of New York Times contains more information than a person will come across in 18 years.
    2)This video is just great it told many facts that most people wouldn't know ever without watching this video.
    3)I found that that a lower class society such as India has more honor students in their country than America has citizens.

    Jonathan Tran 7-2 8/23/11

  34. I think that is kinda cool that the honor students india has is the more people in the United States.Something else was that 67 babies wer born in the U.S, 274 in China, and 395 in India in just 4:56 minutes.I also found out that Facebook got 50 million people in 2 years.

    Bryan Alvarez

  35. 1)What I found to be interesting is that in the future computers will be smarter and more sort of updated then the human brain and body. And also what I found interesting is that new jobs have formed in the U.S. and are already in the top 10 demand even though they haven't been there for the last ten years. Also that there are MORE honor students in India than kids in the U.S.

    2)This video was an outstanding and an amazing video!! There many things that i didn't know; like that there are 540,000 words in the English language. I really like this video and Thank You a lot Mr.Stocker for showing me this video it really helps!

    3)If scientists do end up making robots, they will end up being smarter than us like in the movies. SCARY!!!

    -Joshua D. 8-2

  36. Woah it really amazed me:O One of the most interesting detail about this video was how much technology has grow over time Also, the fact that technology has developed and advanced so much like the amount of electronic devices. For example the number of internet devices.1984-1,000
    1992-1,000,000 and 2008-1,000,000,000. The never seen before, will now be revealed.
    Luis Vasquez 7-3

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. This is amazing!
    One thing I thought was interesting from this video is that the first text message was made in 1992.My opinion is that this video has a lot of amazing facts that people can learn from.It is weird that 1 of 8 people who get married met online. It's scary because you never know who the person can be.
    - Destiny R

  39. I've seen this about 7 times.
    I think this video is trying to tell us that our world is moving too fast for us to comprehend. It will eventually move so fast that some of us start to get left behind. I once read that our civilization is becoming twice as advanced as it was before. For example: 10000BC < 1AD < 1000 AD < 1500s < 1950s < 1980s < 2000s < 2010 < 2011.
    . ect. Soon, we'll advance every few seconds. We are moving way to fast to for our world to understand. Soon, it will go so fast, that what we learn in Kindergarden won't apply to the next group of children. What we need to do is find a way to catch up before we get left behind, and soon we all collapse. "We need to be in advance of advance." -Caleb Turner

    Caleb Turner 8/23/11

  40. Mr. Stock and everyone else needs to see this:

  41. This video blowed me away. I can't believe that text messages were invented along time ago. Or that every day texts exceed the population. Computer are going to be smarter than us and i can imagine that because who is the one that gave it the knowledge? Us so how can it be? Technology will have the capability to take over.I thought the U.S had more Babies born But I now know its India. Cant Believe it!

  42. This was stunning! I found intresting in how in a couple of years they will make computers even smarter.This video was awsome it taught me many things I had no idea about like how theres more 25% of India has a higher IQ than the United States. I found it amazing that once they make the computers smarter they could actually be compared to a human mind.
    Ashley Amaya

  43. "1)All details are super great! Can't choose only one that interests me the most.This video is full of a lot of information that i didn't even know,i learn something new everyday.
    2)The only word to describe this video is...AMAZING !
    3)Wow ! Who knew that teachers were teaching us a lot of inportant information that we don't even know for us to be prepared for jobs that don't even exist so, i just want to thank all of the teachers who teach us (the students)about being prepared to be a mature adult !"
    -Nohelia V. [7-1]

  44. One of the detail from this video that i really found interesting was that teachers are preparing us for jobs that don't even exist today. those jobs will be done with technology that doesn't even exist right now in the world but in the minds of human beans(Ideas. This all started with an idea in someones head.i think that this video can show people how we are moving on from the small ideas and turning them into big ones.Time is going fast and the technology is getting faster we are not taking little steps we are taking big leaps.
    - Carlos R.

  45. All the details are amazing but, the most appealing to me was that India has more honor students than we have kids.Thats insane,either they have lots of kids or they're all super intelligent.Its almost an unbelievable thing to think about but,more than 20 million kids are just as or even smarter than I am.Whats with the super computer to,how does it comprehend more than the one that installed the infomation into it.Then if weaponary advances than countries couldvanish and be destroyed easily,well actually they already can.-RobertG.

  46. stephanie g. said:

    It's unbelievable the fact that one day China will become the number one English speaking country in the world. The United States has been one of the countries that has kept English going and in a few years China will carry it out. The video shows many interesting facts that each and every one of them astonishes you. just because China will lead with the amount of people who speak English doesn't mean they speak it properly. in fact, the problem with china is that not many teachers actually teach English properly. I think it's fine for another country to speak English because it should make us more proud that someone else is trying to use our language.

  47. I'm just impressed to see how technology has taken control and overpowered our lives, I really just can't believe anything that they said on there, how many more kids are smarter in India than the number of kids on the U.S. Students being prepared for jobs that don't even exist, and using technologies not yet created. It's amazing how us Americans have bragged about ourselves, and don't even have anything to brag about. People each year are reliyiing more on computers instead of learning ourselves how to do things that can be done with our own brain, but people each year are becoming more lazy, that's how America is setting really low standards for a country with great power and riches, but even with all that the country's students don't have a chance to do well in school, college, or life. As technology advances we must also step up, we must teach our students more advance materials. Our brain is a very powerful living organism, but if we dont use wisely we have no chance in succeding. We must show the world that the U.S. is capable of being way ahead of the game than any kind of technology, no matter how advance. The web is a really interesting, and every day gets even better, more interesting, and more advanced. I bet that all of the registered accounts for Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace combined will add up either close to or higher than the number of people on Earth. Isn't amazing that we use the internet to do so many things, big and small, but the problem is that too many people are sitting back on this technology and becoming even more lazy. So we must always be ahead of this new technology and not let it rule our lives. Teachers are doing everything in their will to prepare the next generation to be ready as well for life, and we must train them in a more advanced way. We must show the world that the U.S. is the brightest of them all cointries. People think that the U.S. is stupid because India and China, and maybe some other countries have way more honor students than the U.S; but those countries have a really, really higher population than the U.S; and I believe that's why. I believe, in my opinion, in my perspective, that God will bless this country. He has blessed it before, his blessing it now(I think) and he will blessed until the end of Earth.

    -A. with the buzz

  48. 1) The reason I like this video is because I think the video is a great influence to people all over the wrold the reason I think this is because the video has lot of facts about how the internet and our lives change all the time.

    2) My opinion on the video is prettyclear beacause it is pretty much what i wrote on answer one when I typed about how I think it is great as an influence.

    3) Another thing I think is intresting about the video is how at the end the video left you with suspence an curiousety when it said,'so What Does This Mean?"

    By: Zoe Soliz

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. 1) Did you know that the amount of new technical information is doubling every 2 years? I sincerely think that this fact is shocking because we, humans, are leaving everything in the hands of technology and we don’t know if technology would turn their back on us one day.

    2) After seeing this video, we obviously know that technology has grown more than what we expected. My opinion is that we are shrinking the world with too much communication. The simple idea of seeing how the creators of these facts know in what year their going to happen is frightening.

    3) By all the technology doubling every 2 years, it will be interesting to see our world in a couple of time. I just imagine the things that could be invented, more robots, spaceships that could go to Mars and even cars that could fly. I’m kind of anxious to see the future.

    -Fatima Gonzalez (8-1)

  51. 1)All detail are amazing but the part that impressed me the most is that over the years people have started going more to the internet.
    2)It teach me stuff I didn't even know, so I think this video is Awesome and Interesting.
    3)It was unbelievable that more children are born in India about 16.9% more that the U.S and China is 4.0% more than the U.S.

  52. 1/3)The most random fact in the video to me was the one that stated that in about 4 and 1/3 minutes,67 babies were born in the US,274 babies were born in China, and 395 babies were born in India,but the most interesting fact to me was the one about Ggoogle having 31,000,000,000 searches a month. I did the math and thats about 1,033,333,333 searches a day, and between 11959 and 11960 searches a second.
    2.This video was suprisingly not boring and the 4 minutes passed quickly.Since the video has so much information, I still am not able to process half of the information after watching it 5 times.

    -Jed Eloja 8/23/11 7-2

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. What I found very interesting in this particular video is how things change over the years for example the use of the internet the amount of people who use Google. The amount of people who ask questions also the use of MySpace and Facebook how it has increased. My true opinion on this video is that is amazing to know what happens in the world I like this video a lot. Over all of that my favorite thing was how it showed how the market audience increases on different types of new technologies. For example the use of a radio, TV, internet, I pod and Facebook. It showed how this world has changed since the old days.

    AGuerrero 7-2

  55. Somehting I found intresting while watching this video was how technology is advancing so much. I mean if I where to ask my mom a question about a power point she would be looking at me confused. I guess it's what Ms. Peyton told everyone and that was that this generation had always had technology, so we should take advantage. If you think about it the people in your class room could be the next CEO of apple if what they say is true. I just find it crazy how technology is taking over the world.
    - Samantha B. 7-3

  56. Esteffany Martinez Said: Technology is being used more now than is used to in the past. And that now babies are being born in a increasing rate. Something interesting that i found in this video was that technology is just not getting bigger and better but is all over the World!!!
    -Esteffany M. 7-3

  57. This video has really opened my eyes about very interesting facts about education.

    I can't believe that India has more honor student then the entire population of the united states of America.I always hear that "America has the most smart people" but now i know that it is not true.This sort of scares me that the these kids in USA is the future of America.Another cool fact is that student working on a 4 year technical degree means that half of what they learn in their first year will be outdated by their third year of study. That is makes me think that the education is going so fast that humans can't fully learn everything.

    -Benjamin H.

  58. Marcelo B.

    I thought that this video was really cool because it showed me that we are advancing in technology.The thing that I liked about this video was that Myspace has over 200 million users in the world.That is an amazing amount of users on Myspace and since Myspace has over 200 million users it would be the 5th largest country in the world. I found this to be intresting because who knew that Myspace had so many user.

  59. Good Morning, Mr. Stocker.

    I think that it is awesome to know that 1 out of 8 people in the United States, meet that special person over the internet, which ultimately leads to marriage for some lucky couples. As for what technology has to offer, well it would not surprise me if the human race was eventually replaced by some type of robot. This video is great and gives us all an idea of what technology has to offer.

  60. 1. The interesting thing about this video is that China will become the number 1 english speaker country in the world. Amazing!

    2. I really like this video because is really cool that if Myspace was a country it will be the 5 largest country in the world. COOOL!

    3. I cannot believe that during this video 694,000 songs were downloaded illegaly and 67 babies were born in the US. UNBELIEVABLE!

    Kevin Muniz 7-3

  61. 1-One of the things that cached my eye was that 1 out of 8 couples married in the U.S last year met online; somehow they still don’t really know each other that well. 2-It really amazes me how 200 million people had register to MySpace, and how they meet new people without knowing them isn’t that kind of crazy? Adding people you don’t even know?! 3-I found this to be interesting because it shows some things that make you realize some things u didn’t even know about. Another thing is that now people use technology for everything some people use Google to answer the questions that they have in mind and they don’t try to figure it out by themselves. Its actually nice to know that the first commercial text message was sent in December of 1992 now u see almost every teenager on their cell phones texting.

  62. Anahi G.

    1)One of the many things that i found interesting was that texts that are sent and received exceeds the whole worlds population.Another thing that surprises me is that china will be number one english speaker in the world.
    2)I think its incredible how much our world is progressing on our technology!!
    3)I found this very interesting because it shows you things that you wouldn't expect or even know! It also interesting how we use the internet to answer our questions or other peoples questions!! We expect so much from the internet now a days!!

  63. What I think about India having more honor students than the United States is cool. Another thing thats cool about the video that Facebook reached 50 million people. I thought the video was intereting and cool. The facts are amazing.

    Edwin M.

  64. I'm amazed of the information they have given! I actually found everything very interesting,
    Its surprising for me that there's 210 million phone calls happening every second!Also, that by 2013 a supercomputer will be built that exceeds the computational capabilities of the human brain. I'm amazed of how technology has been getting better and better.I cant wait for what new technology will be created in the future !

    -Raul A. 7-1

  65. Every single fact in this video amazed me. I don't think i would be able to choose just one that interests me the most. It's all true. Technology is changing our world faster than ever. Before we know it, everything around us will be taken over by all types of technology. Sooner or later, we will see all of it as normal. The strange thing is that we will not expect it. It will just come at us. We have to be ready for it.

  66. Every fact in this video intrests me, it would be hard to pick one. My opinion is that our technology and our world is moving too fast for us to catch up and pretty soon computers will know more than we will. Our world needs to slow down otherwise we will all end up to be lazy and computers will have all our jobs because we won't be ready for it.

  67. Even though I found every detail interesting there are some details that seemed really, really interesting to me and one detail from the video that I found really, really interesting is that the teachers are preparing us for jobs that don’t yet exist, using technology that hasn’t even been invented right now, and also that the U.S Department of Labor estimates that today’s learners will have 10-14 jobs by the age of 38! In my opinion I think that what the teachers are doing right now is actually good because that can really get us to be more advanced in what is coming up in the future , and I also think that it’s amazing how they  estimate that today’s learners will have 10-14 jobs! Wow if the number of internet devices in 2008 were 1,000,000,000 imagine when its 2013 we might have 1,000,000,000,000,000 internet devices!


    Valeria R. 7-1

  68. 1
    The thing that interesting me is that technology is advacing so fast. Also now in times technology is everywhere.
    My opinion is that our technology and our world is growing too fast for us and prety soon computers will know more than all we do know. Our world needs to slow down otherwise we will need to end up to being lazy and not learning something also that computers might even replace us for some job's just because they know more than us.
    Can you imagine back in the day how people could of connect and if it wasent for technology we should of meet the people in person not over chat or texting or a live video chat.


  69. What I found interesting in this video was when it said that 1 out of 8 people in U.S.A last year got married by meeting online..How can people get married online? Like what if the person your talking to can be lying about what there saying, and hes acting like someone else? its scary! The reason i found it interesting was because it weird how people can get married online and can be so trusted of the person there talking to .

    Elsa R. 7-1

  70. This whole video was amazing. I thought everything was awesome, but the thing that interested me the most was that in 2049, some super genius guy is going to invent a computer that is going to be way smarter than the human species.
    My opinion is that one day the humans will be controling everything with technology. The Earth will be a tecnologic device too. I think this because if we developed really quick as humans and with technology.
    It's also cool that teachers right now are teaching us for jobs that don't exist yet. Then when we're 38 we could have 10-14 jobs.

    Jose R. 7-1

  71. 1) I really like how we are being prepared for jobs that don’t even exist and that all those babies have been born in just one video imagine how many would be born in a day.Also how we are going to advance in our brains and how technology advanced
    2)An opinion that i have is that this video might be right but to all the way, maybe we won’t advance by a long shot, but i might be wrong.also i think that the jobs we are being teached for are for economical jobs that help the enviorment.
    3)The rest of the information was interesting because we learned what is happening in our world but we don’t know what is happening and that’s what interested me.
    Joel Olea(7-2)

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. I actually found everything interesting, but what impressed me the most was how fast the whole world is starting to use new and faster technology now. I also found interesting the fact that there is more english speakers in China than there is in the United States. Even though it´s not their native language, I think it´s cool that other countries use the english language in their schools and country. Specially what I found interesting over all of those interesting details was that it explains to us in so many ways that technology is becoming part of our daily routine now and that it´s also getting faster and better everyday

  74. 1. By 2013 a supercomputer will be built that exceeds the computational capabilities of the human brain. 2. I found this video very intresting some facts were so outstanding I did not even understand them this video is very outstanding. 3.How can China be better then the U.S.A at english. How can India be better in their IQ then the U.S.A. Adrian Sanchez 7-2

  75. Let me just say that it's crazy how technology is now becoming more advance by the minute and how people have been changing because of the technology that is advancing. Like how fast the it took radios38 years,tv's 13 years, internet 4 yrs.,ipod 3 yrs., and Face Book 2 years to reach a total of 50 million people. So as you can see because of internet and technology, the world has been changing. And if the world keeps changing at this rate, it will be soon to overwhelming for the human mind to process and store in their mind that they are soon going to not live reality.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. This video has supplied me with a lot of information. Some of which is very scary that one day there will be a piece of technology able to exceed the computational capabilities of the human species. The video also said that there are 31 billion searches on Google every month,which means that instead of discovering new things we'll just look it up on the internet. I think that is not such a good thing, technology itself helps but hurts as well and we will soon rely too much on technology. Then one day we will stop being independent and our world will be less instead of more.

  78. What surprised me the most in this video was when they said that kids are being prepared for jobs that dont exist yet because maybe im being prepared for one of those mysterious jobs. I think that when this happens people will act like if its something normal and simple. I still wonder if people will know when this happens or will it just surprise us... I guess that well just have to find out later. -Pablo Diaz.

  79. I found this video with very interesting information about how our world and the ones in it are evolving and depending more on technology.
    I found it interesting that many thing are happening all around the world just in 4 minutes for example that 395 babies were born in India. I think thatour world is growing very fast and technology is going at a faster pase. Every day the world's population increases and the technology as well, at this pase and with the knowledge that many kids are learning for their future carreers, our world will become very advanced.

    Esperanza G. 8-2

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. 1)i really liked the video. it was a cool thing to watch. what i really found interesting was that people from other countries are like really smarter than us. another thing i liked was the ending that said all the info about how many babies were born during the time period of the video.
    2) my opinion about the video was that it really doesn't seem real but in some cases it really does make sense.i really liked the video because it got me thinking about using technology.
    3) the thing i found interesting was that technology is growing really fast and if it keeps growing then maybe instead of having face time or something like on the ipod then maybe in the future we might have like body time where going to be able to walk around peoples body like in movies

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Wow! I was really impressed by the video! Can I just say that everything was interesting. The world will be now taken by technology and not by nature. I cant believe it that people now are multiplying and as we multiply the web is also to so as the technology. It's really ironic that china will be the first English speaking country. I meen they really dont have English as their main language. Everybody should be preparing for what is coming as we know the world of technology and not the green planet of nature. :)

    -Fatima Garay. ;)8-1!

  84. 1)Wow! Every single piece of this information was intersting. Who knew so many people were searching on Google.
    2)This was an awesome video. Sooner or later maybe there will be more than 31 Billion people searching on Google.
    3)I can't wait for what the future has in store for us. Who knows what will happenen next?
    -Jonathan E

  85. 1) Some of the interesting things thy I like from the video were that China will soon become the number one English speaking country in the world. That India has honor kids than America has kids. Another interesting thing from the video is that they are preparing us as students as jobs that yet don't exis. Something really interesting thing is that MySpace was a country it will be the 5th largest country in the world.
    2) I think that technology is going really out of control; like in 2013 there will be a computer that will make our future better, and learn how to make the world a better place
    3) Now, at this time, they are advancing the technology. They are probably going o make some kind of machines that could enter to a person's mind, and will learn everything about them.
    Danna Z. 7-2!!

  86. This video is wicked ! I found it interesting, but at the same time extremely scary. It was so intriguing that I replayed it over and over again. Who would ever think that there's 1,300 people just like me?
    The fact that it mentioned that "India has more honor kids than America has kids" horrifies me. Yes, India's population is larger than the population of the US, but I think we're all capable of being honor students we just need to put all the effort we have. In school I always hear, "I wish I was Asian because I would be a whole lot smarter". To be honest it annoys me because we don't have to be Asian to be an "honor" student. It just takes a lot of effort and determination.
    Then the video mentioned that technology is advancing by the second and we've all seen technology evolve. I still remember when "walk-mans" were in style and then came "CD players" and now we have this small device called and "iPod". What's next? Just, WOW ! It's the same thing with computers. Have you noticed how advanced they are nowadays? Another example of the evolution of technology are "Smartboards". When I first went to school there were no such thing. It was just a BLACK board.
    Technology is benefiting us. I mean, there's nothing better than "technology" and "education" put together. At this rate, I bet that by the time I graduate from college, scientist might have found the cure to Cancer.
    The whole video was interesting. Every time a new fact popped up I had a mini heart attack due to the shock.
    It's funny because people think computers are smarter than us. It might be the case, but have you realized that it's humans that invent these magnificent machine!? Not, robots or some other weird creature, but real humans, just like any other person.
    I hope that we don't take technology for granted because we can take so many good things out of it, but we can't abuse it because there's a probability that the evolution of technology can make us extremely lazy.

  87. The video is cool and has a lot of technology and idea about the future. The world is being advanced in technology and knowledge. Kids are getting smarter over the years.
    1)the video was really advanced and cool but I know some students don't even get the video.
    An interesting detail in this video is that the world is becoming better and smarter.
    2)I really liked the video and it showed amazing details. The numbers were high which means the world is becoming more smarter by the second.
    3)Now I really want to know how the future is going to turn out. With all the new technology we will be masterminds.

  88. Whoah! Every detail in the video was very interesting! Who knew there are 31 BILLION people searching on Google every month!! What amazed me was that the first text message was discovered in 1992! In my opinion, Technology is taking over the lives of human beings! Myspace, Facebook, and many social networks are just some things we can live without! Who would've known that China is the number one english speaking country, and it isn't even their first language!! Some technology devices are useful, but some are just a waste of time. Just think, today we are surrounded by nature, sooner or later, we will be surrounded by all types of technology!!

    -MyrandaB. :) 7-2!

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. 1.What amazed me the most was how many babies can be born in just those 4 minutes and how china could be the largest English speaking country when its not the primary language.Also i think that it would be pretty freaky if myspace was a country and the 5th largest country in the world.

    2.In my opinion i think that even though technology may be awesome right now it might start getting worse trough out the years if already in 2013 a computer is going to act like a Humans brain.

    3.What i found most interesting was how who knew that all of a sudden you could get married online and met your husband on the computer?

    After all I did enjoy the video it was Awesome(:

  91. The most interesting fact in this video is that the first text message that was ever sent was in December 1992. Now this video shows a lot of good things that maybe no one even knew about. What I find interesting in this video was that the first message was sent in 1992 which to the planet it meant a new way to communicate like me writing this comment drawing to the messages in glass bottles. Now at that point it also meant that one day in the future every one might forget the paper and pencil, but the new ways of communicating just got made and will be plenty more ways to communicate .By 2024 there will no longer be a tree wasted for paper or pencil, but till now we still know the paper and pencil as a useful tool. By israel b 7-1

  92. What i found most interesting through out the video. Was that there are more honor kids in India then America has kids. Wow that is amazing. That is unbelievable and us as Americans have access to thing that children in India will ever have. That shows us that there are people working harder than us every day. That is mind blowing with so little access they achieve so great.

  93. 1) What i found to be very interesting is that in 2 more years, which will be 2013, a super computer will be built to exceed the computational capabilities of the human brain because in a few years, the computer would be as smart as a human brain.

    2) I find this video to be jaw-dropping because
    there's several of information I wasn't informed about earlier, and now I'm very amazed & shocked about the results. It's very intriguing how in a few decades, computers would be as intelligent as a person and there won't be many jobs as now since of the technology, that's advancing every day.

    3) I'm looking forward to the future since technology would have many approaches to the world.I believe that it would take over the world, the gadgets would be selling very rapidly!Also, i think that technology is a benefit because in the 1900's, there wasn't many technological softwares and now, in 2011, we have laptops & faster internet & it's growing every day.

  94. 1) What I found to be intresting that the time of the presentation alot of babies were born in each country also that alot of people use Google alot with My Space, Facebook, and texting

    2)What I tougnt about a opinion is that about 600 babies in India were born in 4minutes I think that is not true because it takes about 50 babies to be born in the U.S.

    3)What I found to be intresting is that alot of people met in matching online. I did know that alot of people have phones the number that i saw was about 50,000 or more. I did not know that alot of people used Google that much.

    Miguel G. 7-1

  95. This video was just amazing. Every detail in this video is not only interesting, but it is a FACT! This clip was flooded with tons of interesting facts, which shows the past, present and future. In the begining of the video, it showed how things first started, then how things are now, and towards the end what we might predict how technology and the human race will change...

    1.) A very interesting fact from the video is that countries are preparing students for jobs that don't yet exis. Its fascinating that if MySpace was a country it will be the 5th largest country in the world (not telling how large Facebook would be lol). It in a way is unbelieveable that future computers and electronics will be smarter and are more advanced than the human brain and body, which is very, very impressive. But my absolute favorite fact about this video is that it shows how many babies were born during the whole presentation of the video!

    2.) This video surely changed the way I think not only in technology, but myself and the world I live in. Before I watched this video, I thought that the society that we live in today invented/has everything there is to think of. Iphones, Ipads, smartboards, social networks, webcams, touchscreens, are all things we can fit in our pocket! If technology is this insane now, can you just imagine what it would be like in the future!? (Im getting all exciting thinking about it now lol) After reading/watching this video, it just amazed me. It shared tons of information that my peers and I did not know. I am really looking foward to what is coming soon, in the next couple of years!!! :)

    3.) Im curious what jobs these countries are preparing us for... will it be good or bad? Is it something that I HAVE to do for living? I dont know... I have trust in the countries that they will give us a meaningful, and important job which will be apealing to work for! WOW. If Myspace was a country, it would be in the top 5 largest!? We are in 2011-2012 and Myspace is O-L-D OLD! LOL Imagine what Facebook would be like...largest country maybe? And these computers/electronics that the video speaks of... it reminds me of Terminators and Decepticons! It honestly scares me... The number of babies that were born during the video presentation was just awesome! The human (US) population is growing drastically, but of course, some have to pass away... Over all, this video was very impressive! :) 5/5

  96. I am completely amazed! It's just overwhelming! All the details in this video don't even seem like details, they're way bigger than that. It's super interesting to see all the changes technology has brought to Earth, from couples who met online to the hundreds of babies being born in such a short length of time! That isn't all though, the fact that things we don't even think about is going to be the big deal in a couple of years such as careers, problems, and tons of other things that don't even exist yet!

    Technology is growing way faster than us, this can really help our knowledge to grow as well and i'm exited about that! We're the next doctors, engineers, for myself psychologists and many other careers that don't exist YET and i'm hoping that the coming technology will help us be better at our future jobs. This makes me exited just to think about what we'll be capable of doing in just a couple of years! Overpopulation is something i am concerned about. Sometimes i think it's one of the reason for our big problems like the economy or wars. I sure do hope the technology will help us control that a little more.In no doubt, this makes me so grateful of my teachers. I mean Pcms gives us a great education and just thinking about the fact that they're preparing us for the undiscovered fills me with joy and wonder of what will happen next.I'm glad i live in a time where technology allows us to obtain knowledge and information in such a short time spam! I mean look at everything i learned in a click in a button in 4 minutes!
    The fact that India has more honor kids than we have kids starts a competition in my mind. I sure hope that in the future we catch up to their knowledge. I find the United States of America as a great place where you can learn a loot and just listening about India and our growth as well as the technology makes me wonder everything else we'll be learn in years! Social networks are growing and that's a big concern to me. I mean it's an easy way to communicate with family, friends, any close people to us, but let's not forget strangers. That can cause major problems in our future or in the future of others. I hope that people keep in mind that despite all the great things technology is bringing to us dangers are coming along.

  97. -Sarah B.
    I have to say that all this new information I just learned really had me amazed. I'm still having a hard time processing the fact that the United States is actually not as big as I thought. Compared to the population of China and Indonesia, the U.S is SMALL! I definitely had second thoughts about where I'm living now because I really did not like the fact that we are not as smart as we thought we were. We still are! Just not as smart as the kids in Indonesia...
    Many would have thought this video was arcane, but Its really something I believe everyone should watch. It has so much information that cannot only open our eyes, but can also help us later on in our educatioin, our knowledge. This is one of the coolest videos I've seeen and I think I'm going to share it with my cousins, so they can learn a bit.

  98. The detail that I found most shocking is that by 2013 a supercomputer will be built that exceeds the computational capabilities of the human brain. I think that this is a bad idea because people will be depending mostly on that supercomputer. That means that people will use a less percentage of their brain than they already do. Using a less percentage of your brain will make some parts of your brain "inactive" and probably will kill brain cells. We live in a lazier society that depends mostly on technology. It is a fact that inactivity has a lot to do with obesity, inactivity can have serious implications for people’s health, inactivity may put some of your brain cells to waste and approximately 2 million deaths per year are attributed to physical inactivity. A supercomputer is a bad idea and in my opinion our society will get worse.

    - Francisco Medina

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. wow, i can't believe half the facts in this video, i was totally shocked by almost all of them.
    (1)The most shocking and amazing detail is that people are preparing students for jobs that don't even exist. I found that pretty amazing and pretty strange.
    (2)I think this video was very informing but at the same time entertaining.In my opinion this video was pretty cool.
    (3) who would've thought that people would be preparing students for jobs that don't even exist, seriously? That's a pretty crazy idea but at the same time smart.
    ~Savannah R 7-1

  101. The video was very interesting. some examples are, the first commercial text message was in 1992, and 1 out of 8 married couples met online.
    I Think this was amazing especially on the new 2013 brain- computerized technology, how exciting!
    The most interesting was how the couples met online! Something interesting two was that the more you study on technology the more advance it gets.
    Christopher Guzman 7-2

  102. 1. A detail I found to be interesting from this video was that they were just about random facts that were related to each other. The facts alone were very interesting. There were some things that I were surprising. For example I didn't know so many songs were illegally downloaded.
    2. I really liked this video the person or people that made it new more facts about this than I did. I think the kids here in America should pick up their school slack. We are being passed up in knowledge by other countries, people!
    3. A facts I don't remember reading from the video is that Japan is the most advanced technology. Also, Facebook has more accounts than MySpace and is more popular.
    Nathalie Cruz

  103. Test. This blog rocks!

  104. A detail from the video it was like that by 2049 there would be a super computer that would over come all human knowlege and the planet. my opinion is that with this technology in the futer there may be like millions of fliying carsand all tha.The video was preety cool because all the information it have in just 4 minutes and 56 seconds that was prety cool.

  105. I am completely amazed by the video because it's all TRUE! A detail from the video that I found to be really interesting was that how everyday text messages sent and received exceed the total population of the planet! That is insane. It seems like today it has become all about technology. I think that technology is taking over the world! In the world today we have people using smartphones,Ipads,webcams and all different types of technology to do everyday things. I can't even imagine what the world will be like as technology expands. Before you know it all students will be going to school from home using a webcam. Overall this video really opened my eyes and made me realize what kind of world we live in today.
    -Yvette Rocha.

  106. Kevin S.

    An ida I foun interesting is that by 2049 there will be a supper computer that will be smarter than a humans. Cant they take over the world?
    Another thing that interested me was that the amount of texting in the world exeed the total population of Earth. How is that even possible?
    Another thing is that we are using technologies we have never invented. Imagine the tech we will have in the future.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. holly molly! haha all that stuff is true! as time passes by, the more technology takes over us as people! before we know it well b flying everywere instead of walking or driving everywere, and chinas # 1 language is english?!??? woahh??? that is crazy!! its very true thow but we should expect whats not expected. also! whats very amazing and incredible is that the ttext messages over couunt the world population! even thow soon we will be meeting new people out of this world! maybe even galaxi! haha
    -emilio v.

  109. It is impressive how the technology equipment keeps on incresing every year. It is really shocking that one day they will built a supercomputer that will exceed the hole world intelligence. I think that this video was really interesting. It is really impressive that in just 4:56 67 babies were born in united states.

    Erik Gregorio 7-2

  110. 1:Its interesting the fact that more news is traveled by the internet than any other electric applience for example the radio or even television.
    2:I honestly think that the intenet is playing a major role in our society and the internet is becoming so big that people are now meeting probably complete starngers that may or may not exist.
    3.I found the fact that many people are now getting married with people that they found in the internet very interesting. It's funny hoe complete strangers gett too know each other and you may never know who you are really talking to.
    -Yazmin Rodriguez:)

  111. It's amazing that a lot of couples met online and 67 babies were born during the length of the videos. It's really hard to believe but it the truth. I found that text messages sent have exceeded the human population very interesting because nobody like myself would ever consider thinking about that. I also find it interesting because it is an impressive number. This fact shows that cellphones are used a lot in society. The fact that china is going to become the number 1 in speaking the English language really makes me feel bad because English is The language in America and Americans should be the ones who should be communicating with it the most. Besides that I really enjoyed the video. It has incredible facts that are really meaningful. I Hope that Other people find the video interesting the way I did.

    By Nairo Lara 8-1

  112. Daniel Muñoz 7-2

    1. I really can't believe all of this facts. Especially that India has more honor students than the U.S has kids. Also China speaking better English than us even if its our first language is English and their's Chinese. Another thing that really shocked me is how much technology is advancing. Even the fact that there is going to be a computer smarter than us and the entire world.
    2. I really think that later we are going to be sucked in to the new technology era. We will never be the sames again. I mean one day we are barely learning the basics of technology, and the next day they already invented computers faster than the speed of light and the human brain. The world is going to go through a dramatic change and some people don't know if it's for the better or worse. We will find out with time to come and we all wait for it patiently.
    3. What i cant believe is the number of kids in India born during this time period. Especially it only took Facebook 2 years to get 50 million followers. Meanwhile it took the radio 38 years to get the same amount. Another thing is the amount of text messages surpassing the population of the entire world.

  113. the most interesting detail that we have less honored kids than india as well india's population is growing rapily. that computers are been building to have the same brain capabilities, this sounds stupid but cant that theory of the terminator happpen? it is enteresting that what we have is been slowly disparearing as our language.

  114. In 2013 a supercomputer will be built that exceeds the computational capabilities of the human brain , this will show that technology has advanced for the past years. This video was very interesting because some facts were so surprising and shocking.

    Brian Villanueva 7-3

  115. WOW the thing I liked from this video was the new things I learned. What I learned was the amount of babies that were born in just 4 MINUTES. I think since we are learning about things that haven’t been invented yet is good because when they do invent them we would be ready. Like it said in the video. What I also liked was how the person or people made the information interesting and creative that make us want to read it. Esmeralda G.

  116. Its crazy how in 2 years there's going to be a super computer that's going to exceed our computational capabilities. I thought the human brain could learn everything about anything, but not with this computer. Right now, $1000 computers are advanced and we need to adjust to them, but in 2049, they're going to exceed our brain's computational capabilities.

  117. Hi Mr. Stocker this is Lizett L. using Evelyn's account because my account didn't work.

    Wow, this video really makes you think and realize about the world we live in. How lucky are we to get to study for jobs that don't even exist yet or get to own a computer smarter than the human race. This video is both inspiring and encourages us to go to new levels and always move forward. What I found interesting is that India has more honor kids than America has kids. Since we attend one of the best schools in Houston we think we're pretty smart, but after watching this video I have a feeling everyone will want to set their expectations so much higher now. So what does this mean, it means our generation's limit will be the sky and soon in time we'll amaze the world.
    -lizett lozano

  118. Its surprising how 25% of India's population with the highest IQ's is greater than the total population of the United States.Its amazing how only one quarter can be greater than our whole country.Also,the fact that society is preparing us for jobs that dont yet exist is shocking to hear.Through out the video it states how technology is impacting the world at a very high level and how other countries are getting ahead of us wen it comes to education.China is now the number one english speaking country in the world.Who would of thought from all the countries in the world that China would be better at speaking english.This video shows how,without knowing, technology is spreding and getting a bigger audience easier as the years progereses. I wouldnt be surprise if we get cought up in technology so much that manual work wont exist by our next generation.

  119. This is truly amazing!What I found to be interesting was the amount of other things happening while I was watching this video, like the amount of babies being born or how many songs were being downloaded illegally. For me those were pretty huge numbers. In my opinion, I believe the world is changing drastically, in a good or bad way, how ever one sees it. It's crazy how technology is used now a days, used for things that don't even exist, so I think it's good that people are planning ahead. But in a way I'm kind of concerned on how the world will end up. Relating to what I thought was interesting, that was a pretty short video and it's incrediable how many things can be done in such amount of time
    -Alexa B.

  120. Amazing video. I think that this is just useful information and wow so many people are now in this world! Techonlogy has advanced so much and what most amazed me is that theyre teaching us what still hasnt been invented. Out of this world! I simply think this was an awesome video! Alot of fact and information about our futuree and present. -Jocelinne A. 8-2

  121. 1. The fact the technology is improving every minute. And in about two years there will be a super computer smarter than man himself.

    2.This video is truly amazing! It is hard to believe everything around us is changing so fast. Its a big evolution! In a few years there might not even be celphones, maybe teleport machines.

    3. By the time we reach college we may be taught some things, but but in a few years there will be more knowledge and we will have to be taught allot more things. This world is constantly changing, but most people don't notice. Maybe if we would just take some time to stop and "smell the roses" we would notice that things around us are actually changing. It is very interesting to think our next form of transportation can be a flying car!

  122. What i found very interesting is that technology is very advanced, it has grown and to expand over the decades. Also that In 2013, a super computer will be built that exceeds computational capabilities of the human brain.
    My Opinion about this video is that it sounds something that can't happen. Technology is so advance that it will happen 2013 and 2049(hopefully). With all this technology advancing humanity it won't be needed for certain jobs because of technology.
    Technology is really changing our world faster than before. When we at least expected, technology will be taking over the world.

    -Lesley Rizo 8-1

  123. Rickardo T.
    The most intersting thing that i watch from this video was that were growing fast in technology and that it might affect us in negative and positive.My opinion on this is that if we don't take this seriosly we might get run over by computors or anything the we might harm the planet for all the elecktricity that were gonna use that will harm the whole world.The most importhing thing was that, even if we are large of a state india still beats us in honer kids. NOW THAT IS AMAZING!

  124. One detail I found very fascinating was the one about how the number of text messages sent and received per day exceed the total population number of the entire plant.
    Another detail I found very interesting was the one about how if MySpace was a country it would be the 5th largest in the world with a population of about 200,000,000.
    I wonder what technology will be thought of next if in 2049 a supercomputer that is able to exceed the computational capabilities of the entire human species is actually built.

  125. The most interesting thing for me is that while watching this video 375 babies were born in India while only 274 in China and 67 in US. I believe this is because people in China and the US are more busy with their technology. In India there are people with low social status. So what makes you think they will do anything else? If we were to live in India maybe we will do the same as them. But again that is just my opinion.

    Jennifer A. 8-1

  126. I'm impressed with this video. I kept repeating this video and while it played I was both interested and scared on the details included in the video. We depend a lot on technology now. The video made me realize just how much technology is growing more and more each day. In 2006, the number of Google searches was only 2.7 Billion. Now, the number of searches on Google is 31 Billion every month. How did people get their information before Google or the internet even existed is the question I was wondering while watching the video. I think the internet or technology overall can be both useful and hurtful to our society. Yes, technology is benefitting us, but some people do become highly addictive to technology. For example, people become addicted to iPhones, and people became obsessed with Facebook. If we get into a habit of depending on the internet for all the answers and just be plain out lazy, how would it affect us in school? Technology can be helpful by making it easier to find information faster. The fact that 1 out of 8 couples in the U.S met online is weird to me. You can’t know a person just on the information they give out on the profiles. What surprised me was that India has more honors kids than America has kids. We can change that if we just put more effort and dedication to our education in America. I researched and found out there is about seven thousand students drop out every school day. The number of dropouts shouldn’t be that high. People should take advantage of the chances they have.
    -Isabel Rodriguez 7-2

  127. This video was really intresting to me but the most intresting part is when it said that by 2049 they will build a computer that is probablly gonna be smarter than a human and other species and also that 395 babies were born in india WOW!Also that if myspace was a counrty it would be the 5th largest country in the world and that india has more honor kids that us and I thought we were the smartest (just kidding)haha!

  128. I find it fascinating that soon China will be the number one country that speaks English. I mean that blows me away that China would be the number one country. I also found it interesting how other countries like India are doing way better than the US in academics. I mean it makes you think that other countries take it way more seriously that we actually do. Also, of course technology is going to keep getting better and improving, but I think technology is taking over us. We are getting to attached to it when I think it might be bad for us at some point.

  129. Wow! This is so amazing.
    1) I can't believe that if MySpace was a country, it would be the 5th-largest in the world and even more amazing, it only took 2 years for facebook to get an audience of 5 million people!
    2) I think it's an awsome thing that are technology is growing and spreading around every second. I think we have so many smart people in this world that if we make the impossible of the impossible there will still be even more bigger inventions.
    3) It's unbelievable that half of what the students who are starting a 4 year techniqal degree are learning in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study! Everything is changing so fast that in a blink of an eye it will all be different and will change are lives.

    Jazlyn Organista 7-2

  130. I found the video really interesting because it can kinda of tell what might happen in the future. Like first that is gonna be so weird that China is gonna become the number one country in the world.Also that if Myspace was a country it was gonna be the fifth largest country in the world.The best thing that i like about the video was that in 2013 a supercomputer will be built that exceeds the computational.
    Robert Rojas 7-2

  131. Wow. I'm surprised that computers are surpassing humans in many aspects, the two most hugely controversial ones being practical intelligence and computational abilty. I believe that while technology is extremely important to us, we shouldn't let it become a "crutch". We should still use computers and the like, but I don't think that they should do everything for us. By all means, technology should improve and many great things should still be invented for the sake of innovation, but we shouldn't become too dependent on our inventions.
    -Chris B.

  132. Wow. I'm surprised that computers are surpassing humans in many aspects, the two most hugely controversial ones being practical intelligence and computational abilty. I believe that while technology is extremely important to us, we shouldn't let it become a "crutch". We should still use computers and the like, but I don't think that they should do everything for us. By all means, technology should improve and many great things should still be invented for the sake of innovation, but we shouldn't become too dependent on our inventions.
    -Chris B.

  133. This comment has been removed by the author.

  134. This video was amazing, everything listed in the video was very interesting, it show how technology has grow over the years is amazing because it grew it a short period of time. There was lots of topic that were amazing, the video could be use for future expectations. Nobody knows the future, with this video my expectations of the future have changed i cant wait to live it

  135. john lopez said :Technology is being used more now than is used to in the past. and babys are being born every day at the same time. by jonh

  136. Brenda said:
    1) The thing I liked the most was was
    that there was little writting,but in that
    writting there was lots of information.The
    the thing that really amazed me the most was
    the babies the babies that were born in those 4 minutes.
    2) My opinion about the video was that
    really amazing stuff are in there,but in
    some parts it looked like if they were
    exaggerating a bit,but still I think it
    was a relly amazing video.
    3) What I tought that was really interesting
    was that the technology has a lot of
    users like I have a cusin that is
    really adicted to technology for example
    she gets like about 3,594 text messages a day
    WOW! those are all my tought about this video.
    Brenda M. :P
